Strangers have one in Lower Franconia ATMs blown up. After the crime, the car of one of the perpetrators collided with a patrol car, but they then fled – according to initial findings without taking anything with them, as the Bavarian State Criminal Police Office in Munich announced on Wednesday. It is the 14th ATM explosion in Bavaria this year. This time last year there were seven.

According to investigators, the perpetrators blew up an ATM in a two-storey residential building in Kist (Würzburg district) on Wednesday evening. Witnesses saw them and informed them Police. When the patrols arrived on the scene, the perpetrators drove away in two dark cars. A collision took place in front of the bank with one of the getaway vehicles.

The researchers assumed that the security technology at the ATM and the quick arrival of the police prevented the perpetrators from getting money. The residents of the apartment complex were not injured in the explosion.

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