Dark Avenger (1990) is a television movie that initially aired as a pilot for a CBS television series that was later scrapped by the network. The movie revolves around a judge who falls victim to an acid attack, leading him to turn into a secret Avenger.
Here’s how you can watch and stream Dark Avenger (1990) via streaming services such as Amazon Prime Video.
Is Dark Avenger (1990) available to watch via streaming?
Yes, Dark Avenger (1990) is available to watch via streaming on Amazon Prime Video.
Directed by Guy Magar, film follows the story of a judge whose face is scarred in an acid attack. Seeking justice, he adopts a new identity and the persona of a masked vigilante with the help of a crime lab and an electronics expert.
The cast members are Leigh Lawson as Judge Paul Cain, Maggie Han as Rae Wong, Robert Vaughn as Commissioner Peter Kinghorn, Greg Henry as Dr. Colin Tremaine, Ken Jenkins as District Attorney Underwood, Tony Amendola as Tom Ringerman, Thora Birch as Susie Donavan, Hector Elizondo as Captain David Strauss, and Debra Engle as Karen Cain.
Watch Dark Avenger (1990) streaming via Amazon Prime Video
Dark Avenger (1990) is available to watch on Amazon Prime Video. Users can access the movie across various devices and watch the ultimate classics of all time.
You can watch via Amazon Prime Video by following these steps:
- Go to Amazon Prime Video
- Select ‘Sign in’ and ‘Create your Amazon account’
- Sign up for a Prime Video membership:
- $8.99 per month for a standalone Prime Video membership
Dark Avenger synopsis is as follows:
“An acid-scarred judge turns masked avenger, backed by an electronics expert and her crime lab.”
NOTE: The streaming services listed above are subject to change. The information provided was correct at the time of writing.
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