Finally new holidays: celebrating progress

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By Maya Cantina

On the day of the punctual train! In the year 2124 there will be many new holidays for achievements of social change that will make everyone happy.

Past, NOW, future - symbolic image of a time machine

Take a journey through time on the favorite day of good advice Photo: image

When Felix visits me from the year 2124, he sometimes browses linear television. Usually he sits on the couch and laughs or shakes his head in surprise at all the historical figures he sees. Today he sticks to an interview Markus Soder to hang. “It’s a bit like watching an interview with Heinrich Held,” he says without looking away.

‘Who is Heinrich Held?’

“Bavarian Prime Minister in 1924.”

I nod and quickly open the Wikipedia article. But Felix ​​has already moved on in his thoughts: “It is a mystery to me how you can seriously portray yourself as a representative of value conservatism. Value conservative Being in a constantly changing world means always holding on to what is by definition outdated. All by ignoring the reasons for the change and defending or glorifying the old values ​​until at a certain point it is no longer socially or legally acceptable. And in the end it is claimed that in reality they have always defended the new values. That is ridiculous.”

This text comes from the weekday. Our weekly newspaper from the left! Every week Wochentaz is about the world as it is – and as it could be. A left-wing weekly magazine with a voice, attitude and the special taz view of the world. New every Saturday at the kiosk and of course via subscription.

“But of course there are many people who like it. The powerful do not want to give up their privileges. And the underprivileged hope to get a piece of the pie or at least not be worse off. Hardly anyone believes that change is a good thing,” I say and order the pizza from the delivery service that I always order for us when there is no time to cook. Then I notice that Felix is ​​particularly stylish today.

“Is there anything to celebrate?” I ask.

“Not yet. But in the future.”

“Oh dear, the end of World War III?” I ask worriedly.

“No! A hundred years from now is just now day of good mobile network!”

“Is this a day of celebration or a day of mourning?”

Celebrate good and bad ideas

“Holiday of course!” says Felix. “We’ve eliminated the holidays that no one can identify with and replaced them with new ones that make everyone happy. That’s next week, for example day of punctual train. Then in a month Day in honor of constructive discussion and in August we celebrate it Tax Honesty Day: There is a lottery where you can win half of this money Tax investigation into tax evaders has unbuttoned.

It is also very popular World Bad Ideas Day. On this day, everyone chooses their favorite idea from human history, which later turned out to be a mistake, and tries to defend it fiercely for a day. This is a lot of fun and will help you identify nonsense arguments more quickly in the future. Moreover, the children are no longer so afraid of making mistakes at school.

But my absolute favorite day is this Good Advice Day. Once in your life, you can break the intertemporal laws of time travel and travel back in time on this day to give yourself good advice. It’s being streamed online, heartbreaking scenes I can tell you.

“Oh, and what advice are you going to give yourself?”

“I don’t know yet. I’m still waiting for my future self to tell me.”

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